emergingumc 2 will be...

Hosted by Lockerbie Central United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, November 12-14, 2009.

We'll get a "Lockerbie Immersion" complete with their signature "Dinner and a Movie Thursday" on Thursday, plus a "lay of the missional landscape" there from our hosts, and we'll have what I hope will be some great conversations leading to real, on-the-ground commitments about how we'll work individually and collectively to restore missional Methodism where we are and across the connection from that day forward.

Accepting Lockerbie's offer of hosting means you will have next to zero costs for lodging. And we'll have access to great organic food and fair-trade organic coffee and tea onsite at reasonable prices (I ate there last night-- it's quite yummy!)

Watch the blog and the GBOD worship website for information on registration costs (we will incorporate reimbursements to Lockerbie central and some additional support costs into the registration, trying to keep total costs as low as possible)...

And start planning for November in Indy!

Peace in Christ,

Taylor Burton-Edwards