A New Resource for New Worship/Music

This is from my colleague, Dean McIntyre, Director of Music Resources at GBOD. I invite your consideration and participation as you may choose.



Ruach is the Hebrew word for wind, spirit, or breath. It can literally mean the breath of God. In early Christian use, Ruach was synonymous with the Holy Spirit, and was often personified as a dove and described as a rushing wind.

Ruach is also the name of a new interactive listserv sponsored by The General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church (GBOD). Ruach’s purpose is to foster discussion, debate, research, exchange of information, and networking around issues of contemporary music and worship. Contemporary here is used, not in the sense of contemporary Baby Boomer worship and music, but in the sense of newer, more modern worship and music, including alternative styles, emerging worship, and certainly young people’s music. Ruach is designed for musicians, directors, singers, composers, pastors, worship planners, leaders, publishers, and students. The list is intended for and funded by The United Methodist Church but membership is open to all without charge.

Ruach is fully moderated, meaning all messages will be screened for appropriateness of topic and content. Messages will not be edited, though they may be returned without posting. Ruach members will always practice respect, tolerance, civility, and grace in all list communications.

You will receive a message with confirmation of your subscription and instructions for further participation. Please save the confirmation message should you wish to change your subscription status or unsubscribe at a future date.

To join Ruach, go to http://www.gbod.org/worship/default.asp?act=reader&item_id=45515&loc_id=17,728 and follow the instructions.

To post a message to this list, send an e-mail to: ruach@listbox.com. (You must be a member of the list to post a message.)