emergingumc: the reading/watching/listening list


One of the things we did at emergingumc: a gathering, thanks to DG's initiative, was to ask our presenters who were still with us on Saturday morning to share their top picks for things to read, blogs to watch, and things to listen to (podcasts). We've captured these below

We'll add Melissa Rudolph's recommendations-- and others our presenters may think of-- as we can.

Thanks for participating in making this conference all that it was!


The Shaping of Things to Come, The Forgotten Ways, Exiles—Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost

The Secret Message of Jesus— Brian McLaren

Reggie McNeal’s Podcast-- The Wired Parish (subscription content)

Alan Roxburgh’s blog (Roxburgh is also co-author of the book The Missional Leader).

Maggie Dawn’s Blog

Revgalblogpals Blog

Anne Lamott (list of books available on Amazon)

Donald Miller (list of books available on Amazon)

How not to Speak of God Peter Rollins

Emergent Village (homepage with links to podcasts)

Nick and Josh podcast

Jesus Creed

The Starfish and the Spider—Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom

Remembering our Future—Walker and Bretherton, editors

NT Wright (list of books available on Amazon.com)

Lesslie Newbigin== (portal to nearly all of Lesslie Newbigin’s writings not under copyright)

Jason Clark blog

Kevin Rains—vineyard central pastor cincy

Neo Monasticism—Alan Creech blog

Len Sweet’s podcasts

Jim Henderson—Evangelism without Additives and off-the-map.com

The Power of Asset Mapping—Luther Snow

Mike Green (website with lots of info on Asset Based Community Development)

Emerging Churches – Eddie Gibbs and Ryan Bolger

Ryan Marsh belovedschurch.org podcast

ELCA Catechumenal resources—Welcome to Christ

Speaking of Faith

Don Heatley’s podcast and links to other projects

Glen Stassen—Living the Sermon on the Mount

Recovering the Scandal of the Cross—Joel Green

John Caputo (list of books on Amazon)

Organic Community—Joseph R Myers

What about Hitler—brimlaw

Organic Church Niel cole

Being as Communion—John Zizioulas

Thomas Merton (list of books available on Amazon—first of several pages)

Life Together—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Octavia Butler— (list of books available on Amazon.com)

Story—Robert McKee—about screenwriting

The Big Book—AA

Ronald Heifetz—Leadership on the Line

Luther Snow—The Power of Asset Mapping

Building Communities from the Inside Out – McKnight and Kretzmann

The Cathedral and the Bazaar (book available free online, also available softcover from Amazon—about open source programming and scalable organizations)

Leadership out of UR

Allelon blog

carlthomasgladstone.com (Wesley project, blog, and other things Carl’s up to)

emergedetroit.org (podcasts)