SCHEDULE 2.0 emergingumc: a gathering


New updates on the schedule given last minute changes by some presenters...
And a great big welcome to Kevin Anderson, who is one of my counterparts with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and who will be joining us for our panel conversation and for a workshop on developments in worship resources for emerging missional churches...

Guess it wouldn't be emerging if it's not changing like this!

So here goes:

thursday october 4

Preconference Option: a gathering with the Nashville Emergent Cohort
11:30- 1 @ the flying saucer

Registration 3:30-5:30 p.m. at scarritt-bennett

Dinner and conversation at scarritt-bennett 5:30-6:30 pm

Evening Prayer and Plenary: 7 p.m.
“Streams in the emerging landscape and your ministries:
a conversation and cohortation”

spiritual formation

Facilitated by Taylor Burton-Edwards

Night Prayer: 9:30

friday, october 5

Breakfast at scarritt-bennett 7:30 am

Morning Prayer: 8:45
emerging ministries 1 9:00-10:00
Organic Gatherings in Greater Cincinnati dg hollums and gary gibson
Indigenous mission in an urban arts community jim walker
Emerging in a traditional congregation in west virginia melissa rudolph

Break 10-10:15

a key group conversation 10:15-11:30
Women and emerging/Emergent Elizabeth Buxton

noon prayer and lunch options 11:30
Love feast hosted by DG Hollums

emerging ministries 1:00-2:00
What Jesus is teaching us in New York-- Don and Pam heatley
Indigenous mission in an urban arts community Jim Walker
Emerging in a traditional congregation in West Virginia Melissa Rudolph

break 2-2:15

a panel conversation: emerging and the institutional church 2:30-3:45
Emerging and ELCA Kevin Anderson
Emerging and PCUSA Chip Andrus (via podcast/video)

Emerging and Wesley Jay Voorhees
emergingumc and GBOD Taylor Burton-Edwards

mid-afternoon eucharist 3:45-4:30

emerging ministries 4:30-5:30
Organic Groups in Greater Cincinnati DG Hollums and Gary Gibson
What Jesus is teaching us in New York-- don and pam heatley
Resources from/for emerging churches—Kevin Anderson

dinner and evening with your cohorts
or bible fight club hosted by jim walker

night prayer (for those who are back) 10 p.m.

saturday, october 6
Breakfast at Scarritt-bennett 7:30
Morning Prayer 8:30

Spiritual formation options 9:00-10:00
lectio divina
intercessory prayer

A panel conversation: theology and missiology 10:00-11:00
An Emerging Methodist Billy Watson
missiology and organic groups DG Hollums
Attractionional, extractional,
and missional/incarnational taylor burton-edwards

Cohort time and covenant affirmation 11:00

Mid-day Prayer and Sending forth 11:30